Bring your body, mind and spirit on board with your journey through Hynochange Coaching™


What is Hypnochange Coaching™?

In HypnoChange Coaching™ the client takes progressive steps towards their desired future by working with the client whilst in a state of trance/hypnosis. Clients are seen weekly or fortnightly for 3 months blocks with goal setting at each appointment. HynoChange Coaching helps the client 'clear the clutter’ to work out what’s really important to them. Like hypnosis the focus is on positive change.


Why is this different to other types of coaching and mentoring?

In contrast with other types of coaching that maybe involve telling the client the changes they need to make, this is client led. It would be easy for the therapist to sit and tell you what changes to make but that would be giving you their opinion meaning the expectations might not resonate with the client. We are all different and what appeals and works for some won’t for others. HynoChange Coaching allows you to go at your own pace, making goal setting more attainable, and you reach the goals that work for you first. 


How does it work?

With hypno coaching, the client, facilitated by the hypnotherapist, can tune into and listen to their intuition and make the decisions that work for them in that moment. They can be guided to work out long term goals or future planning and then the steps to achieving these can be clarified under the direction of the HynoChange Therapist. Therefore the client is in control but the direction is unique to their journey. If new obstacles arise one week, the client can incorporate these into the bigger picture.


Why might I need a Hypnochange Coach?

Examples include:

  • Growing a business and wanting some support 
  • Training for a specific event and need some help goal setting 
  • Working towards a personal achievement.
  • Children and teenagers with aspirations of playing professional sport
  • Looking for a change in life direction and hoping for guidance 
  • Feeling lost with your current life direction 
  • Working through relationship issues but feeling overwhelmed and confused
  • Or maybe you know what you need to do but still aren’t getting there, maybe you are feeling more self doubt than self confidence
  • Are you feeling frustrated and reactive but can’t get to the root cause or don’t know how to change the root cause?
  • Wanting to learn coping mechanisms to stressful situations 



In summary

You can become more in tune with your body and learn how to control emotions and work with changing environments without letting them interfere with your journey. At the end of the day your body knows you the best and it’s that inner knowledge which the Hypnochange Coach facilitates you to tune into.



Appointments can be by Zoom (for clinic please contact) 


Book Your Free 15 Minute Zoom Consultation

A 15 minute consultation offers you the chance to have any questions answered & check in that a hypnotherapy program is the correct approach for you to reach your goals.