The Simpson Protocol is an advanced style of hypnotherapy that uses what we term the super conscious mind.

It uses deeper levels of hypnosis which allows us to access what you may refer to as your inner wisdom or inner knowledge and is essentially information that is normally tucked away.

When we talk about the mind we always talk in metaphor. That is how we explain what current research has shown to exist in some form but as yet has not been fully identified. So when we talk about the mind we use the terms Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious and Superconscious. 

 The Simpson Protocol Advanced Spiritual Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Nekawa NZ

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the chatter box part of us. It's the voice that we hear chatting away to ourselves. It's the thinking mind that may drift off into the past or into the future.


Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind, is where our programs, our behaviours and our memories lie. What might surprise you is the memories available here go all the way back to the very beginning of this lifetime and sometimes even beyond that.


Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind represents the part of the mind that controls basic instinctual type behaviours like blinking, the heart beating, the ability for our bodies to heal without having to think about it. Essentially It is the part of us that functions automatically.


Super Conscious Mind

We regard the super conscious mind as being the part of us that communicates between all the other parts. A very wise loving part of us. It has been with us since the very beginning and will always be with us. We see it as our gateway into this life and our ultimate decision maker. It knows the hows and the whys and because it knows this, it also knows what needs to happen to create the changes we need in our life. This is why we communicate with this area so that it can work with the other parts of us to create the required changes. Therefore changes are made by the client and similar to craniosacral therapy, this means there is a greater commitment and success in achieving change. 

When we work with the super conscious mind, things are done much quicker. We can question, and get understandings that maybe we couldn't otherwise, if we were just working on a lighter level.

Some people refer to the Super Conscious Mind as the Quantum mind, the Inner healer sometimes even as the higher self. Whatever we call it, please remember it is still a part of us, a very powerful and significant all-knowing part of us.

What will I experience in a session?

In the Simpson Protocol we access much deeper levels of hypnosis which for some may almost feel sleep like. Others may feel lighter or floaty. Please be assured, similar to receiving a Hypnotherapy session, there is no right way to experience these sessions, what happens and what is experienced is always unique to the individual.

At the start of the session, we set up a communication system with the body so that we can communicate with the super conscious mind, asking questions that require a yes or a no answer. To do this we use finger signals that your body will chose whilst in hypnosis. Sometimes the Superconscious mind may use your voice to communicate. This doesn’t happen often or may occur more so with people who have received many sessions.

Who is the Simpson Protocol good for?

A huge draw card for some, is that to do the Simpson Protocol we do not need to know what the issue or concern is that you are working on or through. Therefore if you are feeling stuck and not ready to talk, or if you don’t really know what is wrong but know there are some deep set things holding you back in life, then this can be a perfect opening for you on your journey to fulfilment. 

There will be a discussion before sessions and this can help us to tailor our questions to Super Conscious, however again if you do not wish to talk about anything specifically, then this level of communication may not come straight away, if at all, but we CAN still work with you. This is because the super conscious mind knows what that issue is and is always happy to work with us without us knowing any specifics.

Another amazing thing about the Simpson Protocol is that it can be used as a form of surrogacy work. This means working on behalf of someone else through the client. This is particularly useful when working with animals, young children, sick people that are unable to do a session or even people that are not in a good mental state to work on themselves. Like other hypnoses this can also be done over zoom.

How long does the protocol take?


The first session is around 1.5 to 2 hrs long.

In this session after doing work on the concern or issue, we set up keywords that the client will be able to use for self-hypnosis. This is a daily short practice that allows your mind to access deeper and deeper states the more you practice.

Follow up sessions are around 1 hour long.

An advised program would be 3 sessions.


Appointments are available by Zoom or in clinic. 


How do I book?

For more information and before your first session, we will ask you to watch the following video.

If you are new to hypnotherapy please book a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your requirements further (see below).

Otherwise please use the BOOK SP NOW button to book direct (see below). 

The Simpson Protocol Advanced Spiritual Hypnosis